OSCP Journey Part 6
Day 29
PDF: 90%
Videos: 95%
Boxes: 3
Just a short update as I haven’t posted anything for a while.
Have been feeling quite down of late and starting to think is this something that is just out of my technical reach. I’m not making any progress and seem to be stuck. I have taken about a week off as I just can’t get my head round the Buffer Overflow section. The PDF and the Video covers this far to quickly for my liking.
That’s not the only thing that’s frustrating me. The lab network is full of older machines which I know can be easily exploited using Metasploit I have been trying to exploit the vulnerability the manual way but I’m having no joy. Just on that, the PDF does cover Metasploit – why? I’m not sure as it can’t be used in the exam.
I am slowly going through the exercises, some of which I’ve already done. I know that most people would have finished them within the first 3 weeks – I haven’t been as productive and am still working through it. It just seems to be taking me longer than most.